Aluminium Boats

Aluminium Boats

Boat Cleaning – using the Sea-It applicator or bucket and sponge/soft bristled brush apply Sea-It all in sections over the boat. Leave for 5 – 10 mins and rinse off. It is excellent for taking odours out of bins and other storage containers. Use at a dilution rate of 10 -1 (100 mls per litre). Dilute at 20 parts water to 1 part chemical for an excellent spray and wipe cleaner.

Yacht – Washing down surfaces and reducing oxidising of metals.

Engine Flush – by flushing your engines cooling system with Sea-It removes the opportunity for salt water chlorides corroding the engine. It also assists in removing existing build up improving your engines performance. Put 10 mls in the applicator and attach to the motor with motor muffs and run for 5 mins. Dilute 500 parts of water to 1 part Sea-it